Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Learning About galaxies far, far away

SPACE fans were in for a treat at the last Redditch Astronomical Socoety meeting (March 1) where four members spoke on a wide range of topics.
Professional photographer Richard Birtles (or Action Shots Photography)displayed a variety of images of stars and galaxies, and Michale Anderton followed this with his recent pictures of the Orion Nebula.
Patrick Ward's pictures of the Milky Way had been taken from Chile the monmth before, meaning the pictures were very clear de to the lack of light pollution.
Lastly, some of the latest images from the Hubble space telescope were shown by Karen Bloor.
A spokesperson for the group said: "All in all it was a very pleasant evening and the members expressed their appreciation to all four speakers."
The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 12 at St. Augustine's Catholic High School at 7pm, with a Star Party at Dagnell Lane Fisheries that Saturday (17).

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