Wednesday, 6 October 2010

October Group Meeting

Monday the 4th of October saw members of the Redditch Astronomical Society meet in the Canterbury Suite at St. Augustines School Redditch between 7.00 & 9.30 P.M.
Arrangements were made for a trip to the Annual General Meeting of the Feaderation of Astronomy Societies in Cambridge on Saturday the ninth of October, where apart from the A.G.M., there will be several speeches and presentations throughout the day, as well as trade stands where hopefully books, maps and equipment can be picked up at bargain prices.
Next up, one of the members put on a slide show and narration on stellar nebulae and their content, location distance and size etc.
A break was then taken for refreshment, and members took advantage of this time to learn to read star maps and to solve problems with their telescopes with the help of other members.
The second half began with a presentation showing more nebulae, but this time demonstrating what can be achieved by an amature astro imager from his own back garden, followed by general discussion on many topics.
The venue for the meeting on Nov 1st will be the same, when Boris Gaensicke will be talking on “Dance of death in the stellar graveyard”.
Doors open at seven O’clock and members and guests are asked to arrive on time.

Redditch Autumn Star Party

On the 25th of September members of the Redditch Astronomical Society started gathering at Lower Park Fisheries Bordesley (the location of their dark site) from 5.00 P.M. onwards for the Autumn Star Party.
Observations of the Sun were made through a member’s solar telescope, sunspots, prominences and granulation of the surface were observed before we were provided with a magnificent sunset.
Warning: never attempt to look at the Sun without the appropriate protection or equipment!
A hot and cold buffet and hot drinks were provided and enjoyed by all of the nineteen members and guests that were present.
As darkness closed the telescopes that were set up earlier were put to good use on what turned out to be an excellent viewing night with planets, star clusters and distant galaxies being observed and shared among ourselves.
The evening passed all too quickly and members started to leave at about 9.45 with the
more hardy types carrying on observing and imaging until 11.15.
Our October meeting will be held on Monday 4th October and will be an open night with telescope workshop hints and tips, and any other subject that might arise on the night.
The meeting starts at 7.00 P.M. in the science block at St. Augustines School and visitors are most welcome.